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Battery Electric

ID0080001 Akoms Ebullience

Akom Sumbawa

Vehicle photo

Technical Inspections

Before they get on track, Prototype vehicles need to pass a series of 11 technical inspections. For some, the only goal is getting through this test. Many never even make it that far.

In progress
3/11 inspections passed

1. Inspection Queue Entry

3 / 3
Must pass again

2. Driver's Control

7 / 15

3. Vehicle Weight

2 / 2
Must pass again

4. Brakes

7 / 9

5. Vehicle Dimensions

6 / 6
Must pass again

6. Seat Belts, Roll bar & Exit

6 / 12
Must pass again

7. Visibility

5 / 6
Must pass again

8. Mechanical Vehicle Design

15 / 19
Must pass again

9. Electrical Vehicle Design

12 / 20
Must pass again

10. Energy Verification

1 / 12
Not yet started

11. Final Check

0 / 4